美学者: 美中应增长交流与互信 配合索求大国精确相处之道:完美国际服务器列表

時間:2023-12-29 07:38:43 作者:完美国际服务器列表 熱度:完美国际服务器列表
完美国际服务器列表描述::当地时间11月15日,中国国度主席习近平在美国旧金山同美国总统拜登举办元首会晤。在继续4个小时的会晤中,两国元首进一步切磋了中美两个大国的精确相处之道。环球化智库(CCG)副主任、美国国防大学艾森豪威尔学院原经济系主任大卫·布莱尔(David Blair)接收中国消息网专访透露表现,两边应该促进人文交流,打消曲解,增长互信。不采用挑战动作是美中两边优秀互助的第一步。(陈彩霞) On November 15, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. President Joe Biden in San Francisco. During the four-hour meeting, they discussed the right way for the two major countries to get along and further identified the joint responsibilities of China and the United States as major countries. In an exclusive interview with China News Network, David Blair, vice president and senior economist at the Center for China and Globalization, said people-to-people ties should be strengthened to promote mutual understanding. 公众Stop provoking each other would be a good first step,大众 suggested Blair. 义务编纂:【罗攀】
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